What do you need permission to use?

Thank you for your interest in using eBay logos or other materials. eBay intellectual property, including the eBay name and logos, is owned by eBay and are registered trademarks or trademarks in the United States and many other countries. As the owner of famous trademarks, eBay has a legal obligation to control their use by third parties. Unauthorized use of eBay intellectual property may confuse consumers that a product or service is endorsed by or sponsored by eBay.


Select all of the logos you are requesting written permission to use.
Upload the screenshots for which you would like permission to use
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How would you like to use the materials?

Written permission is required to use certain materials of intellectual property from eBay. Please select or identify the materials you wish to use.

E.g., 11/17/2017

Required Supporting Documents for Screen Use

You must provide a synopsis, relevant script pages, and mock-ups of how eBay's intellectual property will appear on the screen.
Synopsis *
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Relevant Script Pages *
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Application Mockup(s) *
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General Information

Written permission is required to use certain materials of intellectual property from eBay. Please select or identify the materials you wish to use.